How Conscious Culture is the non-negotiable way forward

The world of business has been in crisis on multiple fronts. Talent is scarce, competition is fierce, employee engagement is at an all-time low. Many companies, despite ambitious goals and impressive resources, are operating at a fraction of their potential…

What is the energy of your company telling you? Are your teams exceeding expectations, or is it ‘business as usual’? Are your employees energized and delivering, or do you find excuses and delays coming your way?

The truth is, the energy of your organization is directly linked to its performance. It’s not just about individual productivity, but about the collective spirit, the shared sense of purpose, and the overall well-being of your team.

In today’s hyper-competitive environment, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless pursuit of validating our victories. But are we inadvertently sacrificing the well-being of our people and creating a culture of burnout and toxicity?

How can we shift the focus from external validation to internal motivation and an alignment of organization and individual purpose? How can we create a workplace where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to bring their best selves to work?

The answer lies in creating a conscious culture.

This isn’t about fluffy buzzwords or idealistic notions. It’s about creating a workplace where individuals are aware of themselves, their impact on others, and the overall goals of the organization.

  • Prioritize Self-Awareness: Encourage your team to understand their own strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. Mindfulness practices like Qigong can be incredibly helpful in developing self-awareness and fostering emotional intelligence.
  • Cultivate a Culture of Listening to Understand: Encourage open and honest communication. Create safe spaces for team members to share their thoughts and concerns without fear of judgment. Actively listen to their feedback and demonstrate genuine empathy for their perspectives.
  • Foster Meaningful Relationships: Encourage small group social events to foster strong bonds between colleagues. Create opportunities for genuine connection and build a sense of community. Again Qigong is a great way to exchange such energies.
  • Embrace Constructive Feedback: Create a system for regular and honest feedback, both upwards and downwards. Focus on providing specific and actionable feedback that helps individuals grow and develop.
  • Make Work Exciting and Enjoyable: Find ways to make work more engaging and rewarding. Celebrate successes, recognize individual contributions, and create opportunities for each one to share what they learn. Encourage curiosity.

How does one create a conscious culture?

This requires a fundamental rethinking of how we approach people, purpose, and process. This goes beyond tactical initiatives and one-off training sessions. Organization leaders would do well to rethink a strategic learning and development plan that focuses on building sustainable habits of self-awareness, mindfulness, and collective growth.

A framework like RENEWALism, which emphasizes the importance of continuous renewal and personal growth fits well. Consider RENEWALism Clubs and Talks as complete L&D programs to foster a conscious culture based on habits of personal and organizational development. For starters, there’s a simple calendar of activities that uses RENEWALism as an acronym here.

Remember, by aligning people, purpose, and process, we create a powerful synergy that drives individual performance, team productivity, and organizational profitability. Make that your culture consciously!